516 362-3027
The Cultural Center a gateway for organizing and mobilizing to address issues that affect our lives.
“Organizing together we are strong”
"òganize ansanm nou fò"
Your donation helps us to obtain a building and the work.
"organizando Somos Fuertes"

Many pedestrians get hurt crossing Elmont road or Dutch Broadway. When our students are involved in fatal accidents, it is personal to our families in Elmont. It has been a long journey to make our community safer for our students and all pedestrians. Although the work to make Dutch Broadway and Elmont Road safer is finally done. It took many people and three different administrations to complete. Republicans and Democrats helped along the way ending with Legislator Carrie Solage. We thank all who made this possible.
Let's continue to make traffic safety a priority obey the rules of the road. Here are some reasons why traffic safety is important to ECC. Here are some reasons why traffic safety is important to ECC. (scroll to see when it began).

"Traffic safety has become a top priority for the Elmont community in recent years following several pedestrian accidents and fatalities." (Read entire story in the Elmont Heral. by:Ana Borruto12/15/22)

TOH votes on the school speed limit 20 Mile an hour.
Elmont Road and Village Ave

Dutch Broadway School
This is where the Traffic safety campaign on Dutch Broadway began, and in 2023 we completed our list with the last traffic light at Glafield and Diamond. Let us know what other areas in Elmont and Valley Stream you would like to make safer.